Busy November/December Start

We have had a very busty November/December start as we wait for desperately needed rain. Have managed to put in several funding applications for funding. We shall see how we go.

As a part of being willing to start a new co-operative working arrangement with Cape York Natural Resource Management, we have tried to set up regular meetings.

Kept working with Bob Cobavie from Outsource Management for real solutions for our mob. It is a long process.

Continued our work with the Australian Rural leadership Foundation, include with our mentees.

Attended both the Indigenous business forum and the Cook Shire Inter agency meetings held in Cooktown.

Queensland Conservation Council has held their Annual General Meeting, and our CEO was elected as their Indigenous chair. Queensland Water and Land carers also held their AGM, and we met our Cape York Representatives We, along with our Traditional Elders, participated in the Annual CAFNEC Environmental Round table held in Cairns. Traditional owners from Cape York, including ourselves highlighted the need for our people to be working on country and getting back to our core values as we struggle with poverty, disadvantage, and the suicide of our young people.

We have had the presence Cyclone Jasper in our neck of the woods and are waiting to see what eventuates.


Annan, Endeavour and Normanby Catchment's Community, Producer Technology Uptake - Building Drought Resilience Field Day_December 2023


CYWAFA_INC—Agrifutures Field days SATURDAY— 9TH—DECEMBER_2023